On Thursday, 3rd of December, YFCC hosted our Youth Week Tasmania event at the Devonport paranaple centre. Youth Week Tasmania provides young people aged 12-25 years with a unique platform to display their talent and skills, to inspire others, express their views and ideas and have open conversations about issues of concern and how to actively address these.
Youth Week Tasmania event is typically held in April each year but due to COVID-19, 2020’s event was postponed till December. We again partnered with Devonport City Council, this year hosting a Youth Expo. Grade 9 students from Devonport and Latrobe High Schools came along to hear from our three inspiring guest speakers and engage with local service providers.
Upon arrival students heard a panel discussion featuring:
- Caity Walker – Founder of GRL in PWR and Manager of F45 Gym
- Ethan Butler – Café owner and author of ‘What You Don’t Learn at School’
- Tara Felts – Tattooist and Community Artist
Each of these accomplished young adults shared their story of how they were able to follow their passions and carve out a successful career here in North West Tasmania. Following this students had time to interact with local service providers and find out what programs, services and supports are available in their local community.