I have been a cleaner for various places for most of my adult life and was employed by YFCC on 14-09-2006 to clean their Devonport Offices.
It is a good, friendly working environment, one in which I am welcomed and appreciated into. When I had to take time off due to going fully blind I was welcomed back when my eyesight returned.
I’m a geeky nerdy guy collector of many things into the weird, unusual and unexplained. I enjoy gaming, comics, reading, and am a huge DVD collector with a selection of fantasy, horror, sci-fi, comedy, cartoon and animated. I am also an artist, current mediums I use include photo manipulation and computer generated art.
I like to listen to various styles of heavy metal, hard rock and comedy/odd music like Wierd Al Yankovich and comedy as well as unusual songs from around the 50s. I spend time with my two German Shepards who are brother and sister.