
The six-monthly Client Evaluation was conducted in November 2024 with a randomised sample of 80 (10%) formal clients from across all YFCC service areas. It is acknowledged that whilst the data and results drawn from this sample accurately represents the individuals who took part, it may not be indicative of all clients.

Overall, feedback on YFCC services was extremely positive, with some useful suggestions for the Organisation to consider. 91% of clients surveyed had been engaged with YFCC services for at least 3 months, giving further credibility to their survey responses.

Statistics of interest in the survey included:

  • 100% felt safe in our services
  • 60% of clients were referred to YFCC by other service providers.
  • 99% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed they were satisfied with the services they received from YFCC.
  • 90% believed they were now better able to deal with the issues they sought assistance for. 10% were undecided at this stage of their support period.
  • 100% of respondents would recommend YFCC services to others.
  • 4642 participants attended YFCC Health Promotions activities and events, including 2058 students attending a total of 242 workshops in schools and colleges.

General comments provided by respondents were incredibly positive towards their experiences working with both individual YFCC workers and service areas. These responses include:

  • “The worker was amazing, always reached out to me, linked me in with services and helped me get out of the house.”
  • “I would not be where I am without services provided to me and I can’t fathom where I would be without them.”
  • “The worker was amazing – I got my P’s. I have recommended the program to heaps of people.”
  • “It is a valuable service; I am still here because of it. YFCC is needed – makes a huge difference and I am a strong advocate for it. Wish higher powers can see the work and the impact and how needed it is in the community – its needs more funding not less!”

The survey enables the YFCC Leadership team to assess the Organisation’s current performance and provides opportunities for continuous improvement.