This term’s school holiday program consisted of five activities, all of which ran at full capacity. We offered a range of both indoor and outdoor activities which provided attendees the opportunity to attend Wing’s Wildlife Park, visit Cradle Mountain and hike Dove Lake, try some indoor rock climbing and also create some art and music.
All the feedback we received from these activities has been overwhelmingly positive, with parents thanking us for enabling their young people to have such opportunities, stating that they are seeing their children learn new skills and ways of staying active, and this is having a range of positive flow on effects.
Some feedback from attendees is captured below:
“The school holidays are boring, unless we are on these activities”.
“These things that we do with you are way better than anything else on offer”.
As always, the Health Promotion team would like to hear from you if you have any ideas for future activities for the school holiday program or our ARVO groups.