With the support of a small grant from the Mental Health Council of Tasmania, YFCC once again was able to support Mental Health Week in 2019. The theme this year is ‘we all have a role to play’ which is a powerful yet simple reminder that supporting our mental wellness and those suffering from mental ill-health is the responsibility of the whole community.
It was great to see so many events and activities taking place right across North West Tasmania including some we coordinated. These were utilising the big screen outside Devonport’s Paranaple building to show short films promoting prevention and recovery. For 6 minutes in every half hour across the whole week tips, advice & local services were being shared in a public and high profile location. We also encouraged businesses and residences to install an orange light globe in a publicly viewable location to demonstrate their support for mental health. We were pleasantly surprised with the amount of traction this idea gained, well supported by the media.